Friday, April 27, 2012

Millard Sheets Mosaics, NTAAC Studio Tour

The April NTAAC Lunch and studio tour was a very successful, with good food and a wonderful tour of a conservation project at the Michael Van Enter Studio.

Michael and his staff are working on about 90 mosaic panels, some of them are from Millard Sheets

The organic shaped mosaics required custom scaffolding and cradles.

These works of art came very close to being demolished due to their large size and tremendous weight. That would have been a real disaster. 

And speaking of disasters,  the May NTAAC Event will be a lecture at the Dallas Museum of Art by Gina L. B. Minks entitled Museum Disasters: Who Are You Going To Call? More on that in the next NTAAC Update.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

NTAAC Lunch and Studio Tour April 25th

As a bit of a teaser for the NTAAC April 25th lunch, Michael Van Enter sent over a few photos of the Millard Sheets mosaics he has been restoring.

We'll be stopping by his studio for a tour right after we have lunch at Ali Baba's Mediterranean Grill 1901 Abrams rd, Dallas TX. The buffet starts at 12:00 noon this Wednesday, April 25th. Then we'll roll over to see these wonderful mosaics. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NTAAC April Buffet and Studio Tour

Join us for a tasty lunch and a studio tour April 25th, 12:00noon at Ali Baba's Mediterranean Grill 1901 Abrams rd We'll enjoy a tasty buffet of conservation conversation.

THEN, it's off to the Michael Van Enter Studio for a look at the restoration Michael is doing on the Millard Sheets mosaics that where rescued from the demolished Dallas Mercantile Bank.

Great article about it in Art And Antiques magazine and Local enthusiast Angel Hunt has some great photos on her Flickr site.

Monday, April 9, 2012

NTAAC Conservation Roundtable TAM 2012

The Conservation Roundtable that NTAAC organized for the 2012 TAM conference played to a full house. With the session broken up into 10 minute time slots all the attendees were able to converse with each of the 5 art conservators. And when that final bell rang, few people were ready to leave.

Perhaps NTAAC will organize another session for the 2013 TAM conference in Waco.