Friday, February 14, 2014

RSVP For Tour Of The Birdwell Library Conservation Lab

This Wednesday, Febuarury 19th NTAAC will be touring the Bridwell Library Conservation Lab. Space is limited, so RSVP to ASAP.

Bridwell Library is on the SMU campus.  The Conservation Lab focuses on conservation and bookbinding. 

Our host, Jesse Hunt will be discuss bookbinding and book conservation techniques and show us some of the tools and materials used in the process. He'll be pulling out some items from the special collections library to better illustrate how the tools and techniques discussed in the lab can be put to good use.
Birdwell Library

The Bridwell Library is located on the campus of Southern Methodist University, opposite the Meadows Museum, and just north of the Chapel.  

The tour  begins at 10:30am, on Wednesday, February 19th.  Due to space, the tour will be limited to  15 guests.  Please RSVP to ASAP.

After the tour we'll continue the conversation over lunch at DIGGS Taco Shop  


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